Metal Hails!!
Hello and welcome to the newly formed Paragon Records information site. Just to make sure their is no confusion THIS IS NOT THE "OFFICIAL" SITE YOU CAN FIND THAT AT THE END OF BIO.
This site was created to help promote and help spread  all of  the updates and news from this mighty New-York metal label and it's bands.
For those unfamiliar with Paragon Records,  the label has been in business for over 10 years and counting,  releasing quality black, death and doom metal  bands from all-over the world. The label has never been a trendy label or has  "signed" bands to make  tons of money or to be popular, instead the label only signs and releases bands that they are  truly "fans" of themselves and believe in and support 100 percent.
Right now the information site is "under construction" but in the coming days and weeks we are planning on having a music player with some of Paragon's current bands and releases {probably 2-songs a piece to give the consumer a good idea of what the band plays and sounds like}, "links" for paragon bands and their sites, and few other ideas we are still trying to work out. So please be patient and keep checking the site.
As  I mentioned at the beginning of the bio this is NOT the labels main-page -  the main-label site can be found here.
The Metal Underground
There you will find hundreds of Cd's, tapes, vinyl, patches, fanzines, shirts, and more and all for extremely fair and cheap prices. The distro has everything from brutal death to blasphemous black metal to sloooow mournful doom and everything in-between so whatever your favorite metal style might be I am sure you will find it in the Paragon shop!!
 One last thing ALL Posts are either sent by label owner M,  or we have ok'd them with him.  So everything you read here is straight-from the owner so it is all 100 percent fact no fiction or bullshit here.
Thanks  to all who have supported or will support Paragon Records. YOU are the ones who keep the flames of metal burning eternally
the paragon-street/promotion team
The Metal Underground - Home Of Paragon Records